73 research outputs found

    A liénard oscillator resonant tunnelling diode-laser diode hybrid integrated circuit: model and experiment

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    We report on a hybrid optoelectronic integrated circuit based on a resonant tunnelling diode driving an optical communications laser diode. This circuit can act as a voltage controlled oscillator with optical and electrical outputs. We show that the oscillator operation can be described by Liénard's equation, a second order nonlinear differential equation, which is a generalization of the Van der Pol equation. This treatment gives considerable insight into the potential of a monolithic version of the circuit for optical communication functions including clock recovery and chaotic source applications

    Wireless interrogation of an optically modulated resonant tunnelling diode oscillator

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    n this work, a resonant tunnelling diode-photo-detector based microwave oscillator is amplitude modulated using an optical signal. The modulated free running oscillator is coupled to an antenna and phase locked by a wireless carrier that allows remote extraction of the information contained in the modulation. An off-the-shelf demodulator has been used to recover the envelope of the baseband data originally contained in the optical signal. Data were successfully transmitted at a rate of 1 MSym/s with a bit error rate below 10−6

    Síndroma Ovo-Ave na Criança:Um Caso Clínico

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    A síndroma ovo -ave é uma entidade clínica rara, em especial em idade pediátrica. Descreve -se o caso de criança de sexo masculino, 5 anos, que habita zona rural, com clínica sugestiva de alergia ao ovo e à carne de frango desde os 7 meses. Aos 2,5 anos apresenta queixas de asma brônquica, rinite alérgica e eczema atópico. Os testes cutâneos foram positivos para extractos de clara e gema de ovo. Dosearam -se IgE específi cas para clara e gema de ovo (>100 kU/L), carne de frango (1,0 kU/L), α -livetina (0,7 kU/L), penas de frango (15,3 kU/L). O estudo de immunoblotting evidenciou ligação de IgE a bandas com peso molecular entre 30-66 kDa e 32-45 kDa para clara e gema, respectivamente, 38/39/42 kDa para carne de frango e 33-45 kDa para penas de frango. Em doentes com alergia a carne de aves, expostos a factores ambientais de risco e sensibilização elevada a gema de ovo, dever -se -á suspeitar da síndroma ovo-ave

    Spectral-temporal luminescence properties of Colloidal CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots in relevant polymer matrices for integration in low turn-on voltage AC-driven LEDs

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    This work employs spectral and spectral-temporal Photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy techniques to study the radiative mechanisms in colloidal CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dot (QD) thin films without and with 1% PMMA polymer matrix embedding (QDPMMA). The observed bimodal transient-spectral PL distributions reveal bandgap transitions and radiative recombinations after interdot electron transfer. The PMMA polymer embedding protects the QDs during the plasma-sputtering of inorganic layers electroluminescent (EL) devices, with minimal impact on the charge transfer properties. Further, a novel TiO2-based, all-electron bandgap, AC-driven QLED architecture is fabricated, yielding a surprisingly low turn-on voltage, with PL-identical and narrow-band EL emission. The symmetric TiO2 bilayer architecture is a promising test platform for alternative optical active materials.European Commission, Seventh Framework Programme (600375); European Commission, Horizon 2020 Framework Programme (828841); European Regional Development Fund, INTERREG V-A España-Portugal (POCTEP) 2014-2020 (0181_NANOEATERS_1_EP); CCDR-N (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000019); Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (UIDB/04650/2020)

    Optoelectronic Oscillators for Communication Systems

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    International audienceWe introduce and report recent developments on a novel five port optoelectronic voltage controlled oscillator consisting of a resonant tunneling diode (RTD) optical-waveguide integrated with a laser diode. The RTD-based optoelectronic oscillator (OEO) has both optical and electrical input and output ports, with the fifth port allowing voltage control. The RTD-OEO locks to reference radio-frequency (RF) sources by either optical or electrical injection locking techniques allowing remote synchronization, eliminating the need of impedance matching between traditional RF oscillators. RTD-OEO functions include generation, amplification and distribution of RF carriers, clock recovery, carrier recovery, modulation and demodulation and frequency synthesis. Self-injection locking operation modes, where small portions of the output electrical/optical signals are fed back into the electrical/optical input ports, are also proposed. The self-phase locked loop configuration can give rise to low-noise high-stable oscillations, not limited by the RF source performance and with no need of external optoelectronic conversion

    Regenerative memory in time-delayed neuromorphic photonic resonators

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    We investigate a photonic regenerative memory based upon a neuromorphic oscillator with a delayed self-feedback (autaptic) connection. We disclose the existence of a unique temporal response characteristic of localized structures enabling an ideal support for bits in an optical buffer memory for storage and reshaping of data information. We link our experimental implementation, based upon a nanoscale nonlinear resonant tunneling diode driving a laser, to the paradigm of neuronal activity, the FitzHugh-Nagumo model with delayed feedback. This proof-of-concept photonic regenerative memory might constitute a building block for a new class of neuron-inspired photonic memories that can handle high bit-rate optical signals

    Clock Recovery of an Injection-Locked Resonant Tunneling Diode Microwave-Photonics Oscillator

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    ABSTRACT We show experimental results of clock recovery from return-to-zero (RZ) format data by using injection locking of a free-running optoelectronic oscillator (OEO) circuit, which consists of a resonant tunneling diode (RTD) oscillator integrated circuit with both a detector and optical source. Error free extraction of a clock signal from the RTD-OEO is shown under both optical and electrical injection. The clock recovery performance at ~1.25 Gb/s is analyzed in terms of timing jitter, phase noise and locking bandwidth

    Advanced Photonics Congress

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    Abstract: We investigated the passivation of III-V semiconductor nanostructures using wet-chemical ammonium sulfide treatment and SiO x encapsulation. We achieved an ultra-low surface recombination velocity value of ~530 cm/s enabling the future development of high-performance room-temperature nanolasers

    Subwavelength neuromorphic nanophotonic integrated circuits for spike-based computing : challenges and prospects

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    Event-activated biological-inspired subwavelength (sub-λ) optical neural networks are of paramount importance for energy-efficient and high-bandwidth artificial intelligence (AI) systems. Despite the significant advances to build active optical artificial neurons using for example phase-change materials, lasers, photodetectors, and modulators, miniaturized integrated sources and detectors suited for few-photon spike-based operation and of interest for neuromorphic optical computing are still lacking. In this invited paper we outline the main challenges, opportunities, and recent results towards the development of interconnected neuromorphic nanoscale light-emitting diodes (nanoLEDs) as key-enabling artificial spiking neuron circuits in photonic neural networks. This method of spike generation in neuromorphic nanoLEDs paves the way for sub-λ incoherent neural circuits for fast and efficient asynchronous brain-inspired computation